So, I guess I am starting this blog on sort of a whim. Literally, I woke up this morning, had breakfast in front of my computer and decided, "I'm going to start a blog"...and that's what I did. Of course, this has been on my mind for some time - or at least since watching Julie and Julia. However, I'm definitely not going to cook my way though any sort of cookbook. Rather, this blog is just a way to keep track of what I'm cooking and whether or not it was any of success...or complete utter failure...for anyone who really cares.
Now, speaking to my choice in blog title. So, The Scholastic Chef was born in about 5 minutes of deep thought. As I was filling in account details for this blogger business, it never occurred to me that I would have to choose a title then and there. At first I thought, "screw it, I'll think of something later", but that would've probably been the first and last of this blog. Then I figured I would come up with something that would define the blog itself, in addition to the blogger (aka me). In a nutshell, I am currently in my 5th year of graduate school (also my 9th year of post secondary education, but really who keeps track at this point?), hence, "Scholastic". And I love, Love, LOVE to cook, hence, the "Chef". Although, I know that technically I am no chef, but it sounds much better than "cook", right? Now, put it together and what do you get? Alas, The Scholastic Chef. Keeping this in mind, being a full-time student doesn't provide a surmountable income of any sort. So, most of what I will be cooking will contain everyday items that you can find in your pantry. And if you don't have it...screw it. Really, you don't need to follow recipes to the can omit/add some ingredients or use them in variable's really up to your own taste buds. Just don't omit the base of something, like tomatoes for pasta sauce. That would be silly.
Anyways, I hope that this blog will somehow be useful in any way to anyone out there reading that shares my love for food. If not, maybe I can just re-name this blog to "The Scholastic" and blog about my research. Just kidding, I wouldn't actually do that to you ...or me.
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